Children with Additional Needs / Disability

We welcome all children into our settings. Our staff are well trained and experienced to identify and support children with additional needs, an identified Special Educational Need (SEN) or disability. Across our staff teams we have experience of supporting children with Speech and Language delays, Autism, hearing impairments, physical and sensory needs.

All children have a designated key worker, the person who gets to know your child the best and they will monitor your child’s development on a regular basis. The key worker and each setting’s Special Educational Needs Coordinator (SENCO) will work with you to ensure we provide any additional help your child might need.

For some children additional support will be required to help them to progress and achieve age related expectations, this may be through one to one work, on an enhanced ratio and with individual intervention plans. This helps reduce any barriers to learning and participation. Some additional help will be decided in conjunction with the local authority’s Early Years SEND team. They can provide additional advice, and support funding should there be a need for additional equipment or a one to one support worker.

Some children will be supported to have a formal assessment of their needs and an Education Health Care Plan may be necessary.


We work in partnership with other agencies to ensure each child has the right support package for them, such as;

  • Speech and language Therapy
  • Portage
  • Health visitors
  • Educational Psychologist and Behaviour Support
  • Family Support
  • Tweendykes & Northcott Outreach Service
  • IPaSS (Integrated Physical and Sensory Service)
  • KIDS
  • Physiotherapists

Across our 5 settings we work with children with a variety of needs. A cause for concern, where we want to understand why children are not meeting their developmental milestones, Children who receive additional support funding as they need extra support in the setting or Education Health Care Plan (EHCP) where children will need support for their long term education provision.

At the Boulevard setting we have an enhanced provision which is a room where children with additional needs can be supported in a quieter space which will specialise in support specific to their needs and learning which is separate to the main room which at times can be too overwhelming for them.

We hope this information helps you understand how we can support you and your child. We know that this can be a worrying time, with unfamiliar terminology, lots of forms, and we can help. Please contact the settings if you require any further information

Case Study – Junior  

Junior started Child Dynamix Preston Road Community Nursery in September 2018 when he was 3 years old. He has cerebral palsy and at the time was unable to walk, stand or sit on his own. Before he started in our nursery we discussed his needs with his family and other professionals to understand how best to support him. We secured additional funding which pays for one to one support and specialist equipment. Seeking additional funding can be time consuming and requires a lot of evidence to demonstrate need. The SEND Coordinator led this work.

The intensive support package developed for Junior built on the opportunities within the setting, staff, sensory equipment and one to one support which enabled him to achieve so much. He was then able to move himself into a crawling position, and by using his standing frame, wedge cushion and specialist chair he was able to participate in so many activities. Junior received regular physiotherapy from his key worker in the nursery as well as from an external professional. He was able to use his standing frame on a regular basis and had constant access to a range of equipment, which meant that as Junior left to attend school he was able to stand, with minimal support, for up to a minute.

We worked closely with Junior’s family and new school to support his transition, having completed a thorough Education Health Care Plan (EHCP) and package of support to help his transfer.

 “For a little boy who was told he would never walk – well, we had a walker delivered to the setting! Supporting Junior to take his first steps has been an amazing experience.”

“I love how we have built on the determination Junior and his family have – he truly is an amazing little boy!”

We thank Junior and his family for allowing us to share his story.

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