Standards and Commitment to Excellence

Child Dynamix is committed to providing the best possible services. We use a range of standards to monitor and evaluate how well we are doing.

HeadStart Hull Mark of Excellence – Parent Peer Mentoring

In March 2020 our Parent Peer Mentor project received the HeadStart Hull Mark of Excellence Award. The Parent Peer Mentor service is aligned to the charity’s aims of supporting children and young people to thrive in their communities. As a HeadStart delivery partner we are fully embedded within the HeadStart Hull partnership, and are passionate about promoting the emotional well-being of children, young people and families. We are so proud of our team of volunteer mentors and staff delivering this fantastic project.

Catherine Pepper, Community Policy and Practice Officer, HeadStart Hull commented:

“It has been a pleasure to meet with you and hear your passion for helping parents and families across Hull, and I have been particularly impressed by how you and your staff and volunteers go the extra mile to the meet the needs of some of the most vulnerable families in the city. Meeting with volunteers and service users gave me a real understanding of how the service can and does transform lives.”

Lead Practitioner for Behaviour, Emotional Wellbeing, Pastoral Care & PHSE, Biggin Primary commented:

“We have seen parents become more positive about themselves and be able to come in and discuss problems, parents growing in confidence and building resilience, children’s attendance improving from the family gaining support and how positive and forward thinking the Child Dynamix team is.”

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