For routine vaccinations contact your GP surgery
to find out the NHS vaccination schedule and what
vaccines are recommended for your child. Please
New parents no longer have to travel to the city
centre to get their child’s birth registered. Birth
registration appointments are available at the
Priory Family Hub and at the Longhill Family Hub.
Booking must be done online in advance to make
a registrar’s appointment by visiting

Family Hubs in Hull
Hull’s 12 Family Hubs offer support to you
and your family in your local community
from conception, through the first 1,001
days (2 years) of your child’s life and up to
age 19, or up to 25 for young people with
special educational needs and disabilities.
Our aim is to make your journey the best
it can be.
We will support you by improving your
access to a range of information and
advice as well as connecting you with
other relevant services. At your local
Family Hub, you can access parenting
courses, help with infant feeding, speech,
language, and communication. There are
peer support groups for all parents/carers,
including dads/partners, to support
bonding, attachment and the relationship
between parent and baby. You can
access social events to enable your
young children to make new friends and
we offer a wide range of activities for
children with special educational needs
and disabilities.
Local Family Support Workers are also on
hand to help with issues such as
emotional health and wellbeing, as well as
wider support around things such as
budgeting, housing, smoking cessation,
and job advice.
They also offer cost of living support, such
as Fareshare food banks, financial
support, benefits advice and specialist
support around domestic abuse or
parental conflict.
Family Information Service
Free impartial advice and
information on local childcare
providers and government
funded early education &
childcare. Click here
for more details.
Peer support
- House of Light offers group support
and one to one counselling open to
parents antenatally and postnatally,
facilitated by a qualified therapist and
volunteers. It is a friendly drop in for
parents and parents to be to support
one another. For information on
session times, dates and how to
access one-to-one counselling visit - Home-Start offers relaxed and
informal peer support drop ins for
families with children aged 0-2 as well
as peer support groups for Partners
and Dads – PADS group. For more
information on session dates and
times visit - Becoming Dad antenatal sessions run
on various dates, approximately every
6 weeks at different venues across
Hull. All sessions are on a Saturday
morning. Booking is via HEY Baby - KIDS peer support Befriending
Service offers emotional and practical
support to parents and carers who
may be adjusting to the news of their
child’s special educational need or
disability. A parent carer wellbeing
programme is also offered. This
programme is designed to improve
parent carers’ health and wellbeing by
promoting empowerment, confidence,
and resilience.
For more information on how to
access the programme please contact or
visit - ReNew Think Family team offers 1:1
and group parenting sessions from
pregnancy and beyond, providing an
overarching and supportive arm to
individuals wanting to receive support
for their alcohol and substance use.
For more information about what
ReNew has to offer please contact