The Tooth Fairy needs some decorations for the Tooth Castle.
She has asked the Oral Health Foundation to find the best drawing and poem for this year’s National Smile Month. She wants to decorate the castle and celebrate all the best things about dental health. This year’s theme is “Love Your Smile”, show us what you love about your smile.
Entries can either be a drawing or a poem. You can send both if you like but each will be judged separately by the Oral Health Foundation.
The competition is divided into three age ranges:
- 0-3
- 4-7
- 8-11
Send your entries to:
The Tooth Fairy, Oral Health Foundation, Smile House, 2A East Union Street, Rugby, CV22 6AJ
Alternatively, you can scan a copy and email their entry to Please include child’s name, age and return address for certificates.
Entries must be received by Friday 7th June 2024 to be entered in the competition.
For more information about the Oral Health Foundation or National Smile Month click on the smile below
Where to find your oral health team during National Smile Month
The oral health team will be out and about during National Smile Month. You can find them at the following venues where they will be able to discuss ways to keep your mouth healthy and love your smile.
Tuesday 15th May 9:30 -4:00pm Hull Royal Infirmary (main entrance)
Wednesday 29th May 9:00am-4:00pm Princes Quay Shopping Centre
We hope to see you at one of our events and we would love to hear about anything you have planned for National Smile Month